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May 18, 2024
Arma Refoger Dayz
May 21, 2024An in-depth look at the Arma Reforger Map
What is Arma Reforger
For those who don't know what Arma Reforger is, it's the newest installment to the Arma series (Kind of) Reforger is more of a test bed to Arma 4 - it's a watered-down version of Arma really. However, it is still a really amazing game with a lot of potential and progression, especially with the Arma reforger mods section.

Let's talk about the Arma Reforger Map,
We're taken to the island of Everon - which is rich with its terrain from dirt bush tracks all the way up to small towns and cities - not quite on Arma 3 Tanoa level - but it's definitely a beautiful map.
How does it compare to Altis?
Well in terms of size, Altis is a monster against Everon, Altis is 270 km squared wear whereas Everon is 51 Km Squared. Although it's a lot smaller, it strangely doesn't feel it. Everon however is at a far higher quality in every aspect.

The Arma Reforger Map Everon is 51 square kilometers which contains a variety of European-style lands to roam and dense woodlands. With the ability to enter almost every single building and even flush the toilets - yes built into the default game, we can flush the toilet.
What is the future of the Arma Reforger Map?
Given this is a test bed for Arma 4, I don't think we can expect any DLC maps or anything of that sort, however, the Arma Reforger mods community won't let that stop them - thankfully Arma Reforger workshop makes it that much easier. It'll only be time before we see bigger and better custom-made maps brought into Arma Reforger while we wait for Arma 4.