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April 27, 2024Arma 4 Wishlist: Features the Community Wants to See
What the community wants
First of all let's talk about Arma 4, if you haven't already check out my article above to get up to speed. As we're stepping ever so closer to the official go-ahead of Bohemia Interactive's next game Arma 4, we've been given a small taste of what to expect with Arma Reforger. Reforger has highlighted some key aspects to see what we can expect in Arma 4. The significance of Arma Reforger cannot be underestimated, we got a true sight into the future as Reforger is using the same game engine that Arma 4 will be running on.

Arma Reforger Everon Life
What we can expect so far

Arma Reforger
Community Wishlist
Just looking around there is an almost never-ending list of features we all want to see in Arma, so we're just going to cover a few of the key and most requested features. I'll go over each of them and we can see if they'll make it into the game. (NOTE: This doesn't mean they'll make the game) You can see more wishlists like this one we used on Reddit Here
- Better AI - The AI in Arma has been known to be quite silly and hard to control. Hopefully, we can see them using more strategies, taking cover, and more simpler control.
- Better Performance - As discussed above, we can be assured this will likely be one of the top priorities, however, it is known to be an intensive engine and simulation.
- More Standard / Stock Factions, Vehicles, and Weapons - We can never have too many vehicles and more complexity to them. We've seen this with Reforger.
- Larger Maps - More maps as we saw with Tanoa - more terrain that is different from Altis. Larger maps that take longer to fly across - Maps that could make use of the P-8.
- Ships - We'd all love to see more ships and even some advanced controls with them, the ability to dock them using stern thrusters. With lots of classes of ships and watercrafts.
- A medical system similar to ACE - ACE was an amazing mod that would show areas where people were damaged. I.e., if you were shot in the arm a medic would need to bandage your arm to stop the bleeding. A base system like this in the standard game would be amazing.
- Ingame Voice Chat at the level of TFAR - For those who don't know what TFAR is, basically it's a very advanced audio voice system that uses Teamspeak. If you were talking over a short-range radio, you'd hear static depending on how far away you were. If there were buildings or terrain in the way, you wouldn't hear anything.

Arma 3
How likely are we to see this ?
We're likely to see most of our dream wishlist come true, simply cause a lot of it already is in Amra Reforger. Truly only time will tell, hopefully like Microsoft Flight Simulator they'll realize a public forum wishlist which they'll then add to in-game. We'll see as the time gets closer but I truly expect to see most - if not all of this list come into the game on launch day. There is so much more to talk about but you'll see more in my coming post as we get closer to a lunch, which I'm still speculating for late 2024 to early 2025.
Let's sum it up, we've got a lot to look forward to but as of this date. We've got a long way to go, wish as much as we all want it today. Might be for the best, we don't want a repeat of the Arma 3 launch. Let's let them get right the first time and as the days tick by they're adding more and more features to make Arma 4 better than we could expect