An in-depth look at the Arma Reforger Map
May 19, 2024
MSFS PMDG 777 Leaked Information
May 22, 2024Arma Refoger Dayz
Dayz is a cult classic among Arma seasoned veterans, from when it first appeared as a mod on Arma 2, from there it grew and exploded in popularity to being its title and being bought out by Bohemia Interactive (The owners of Arma)

This is the server i played on for this review
We've had epoch, exile, and so many different amazing hit game modes stemming from Dayz - yet here we are again with another one. I joined PLXYABLE which was hosting this new Dayz server. The first thing that gets me every time about Arma Reforger is how beautiful the Enfusion game engine is. It's up there with Tirrple a Titles and even betting most of them.
Check out this!
After soaking in the beauty, I was ready to get on my way to explore what this mod has to offer. I started with an Axe, compass, and map - I set off to find the local town that I spawned near, but first, I was confused as I realized this server was running on a custom map, and it was beautiful.

Once in the town, I was confused as to how the loot system would work, I quickly worked it out as I found clothes and a beanie floating on a table. Which was fine, although it was not perfectly sitting on the table it was clear to see and find loot. However, as I moved on through the town I found a military camp where loot was spawning perfectly fine on the ground, it was clear to see and you can also see it in the vicinity by pushing TAB.

After pushing on through by myself I found myself confused with what exactly there is to on the server other than finding loot and killing other players, a modern-day Jeep-looking car flew past me. So I decided to say stuff it, and put my running shoes on and went for a run following the car - I came across a very basic base that was custom made. It wasn't long after this that I died from a gunshot.

However, this still gives me an insight into without a doubt one of the best-looking Dayz I've played - however with no exact goal suggested or given from starting. You just spawn in and figure the rest out. There wasn't any traders that was easy to see ethier - there is a long way for this gamemode to home, while its playable in its current state. Im confused to what it really is, what the goal is or how to do anything.