MSFS PMDG 777-300ER Review
June 26, 2024
MSFS PMDG 777 Freezing Issue
June 27, 2024Arma Reforger 1.2 Update
Arma Reforger has just gotten the "Reinforcements" update also known as update 1.2, and it has brought a lot of new features bug fixes, and new assets to the title. As we slowly step ever so closely towards Arma 4, Arma Reforger is getting more and more refined.

AI Driving
AI Driving, up until now at this point only humans were able to drive vehicles in Arma Reforger, but that changes now. AI soldiers are now able to operate vehicles, they're able to navigate open roads and different road networks and avoid hazards like obstacles. Let's not forget AI will also be able to lay down suppressive fire with vehicle weapons now, you can also decide which crew member will operate the gun and reassign the crew if the gunner dies. This opens up so many more possibilities within the platform of Arma Reforger now.

Arma Reforger King Of The Hill
AI Commanding
Take control of your crew, you can now direct AI to move to different waypoints throughout the map - Just like Arma 3 you can tell them to wait, lay down suppressive fire, heal one another, follow the squad leader, defend objectives, and get in and out of vehicles - it's a feature the community has been waiting some time for, but now we can have control over our AI

Helicopter Weapons
Helicopters in Arma Reforger have been very vulnerable since the 1.0 update, even more so when landing. However now, we have mounted turrets on the UH-1H and Mi-8MT that can open fire and lay down suppressive fire when landing protecting themselves now from enemy contact.
Flares, explosives and bayonets
Arma Reforger 1.2 update has also brought in three key combat assets that will completely change nighttime combat zones.
Flares - When using flares they light up the night sky and give away your position, bearly increasing your visibility - they just weren't worth it. However introducing the under barrel grenade launched flares, these flares will allow you to tactically light up wherever you fire them. Explosives - Both factions (US and Soivet) have been given their own explosive charges with detonators, this includes both timed fuses and detonators. This changes the way combat will evolve in Arma Reforger, now making ambush even more deadly and planned attacks more effective. Bayonets - Bayonets are available for all three factions, making close-quarters combat just that bit more deadly, being able to slowly kill your prey silently
New Weapons
Arma Reforger has seen new assets and weapons entering the platform with update 1.2, let's go over them really quickly. We've now got the AKS-74U which is a lightweight shortended version of the AK-74. Well-suited for fast and close-quarters combat. We've now got new pilot suits and gloves adding even more realism to your milsim.
Game Master Features
Cycle waypoints will allow you to make cyclical routes for AIs - previously AI could only go from A to B, not anymore! now they can be looped and patrol from A to B - this is a massive game changer.
Linking Waypoints will allow you to link waypoints with entities - you can now make a waypoint that tells AI to enter a specific car or destroy that vehicle. This has added even more control you can have over your AI in a game master session.
AI Firing
The AI has learned a lot in the past year and they are getting even more advanced in being more accurate in suppressing fire on your location. In this, the firing time logic was completely redone to make the platform even more realistic with its AI behavior.
Deployable Radios
The deployable radios have already gone through several iterations on the platform and now they've been reworked again. This current version brings more features than ever before. Now deployable radios can be refilled with supplies in their vicinity, instead of abandoning a radio that has run out of spawns you can refill it.
Additional features
We're finally getting features that have been in for a while through mods but have finally made their way into the main game. We can now finally upflip vehicles, however, it's noted you might need teamwork on this. Just like in Arma 3, you can take over the controls as a copilot if the pilot is hurt, an essential feature that many have wanted for a long time. Lastly getting in and out of vehicles has changed, no longer are we constantly opening and closing the helicopter door as we spam get in. Now opening and getting in the vehicle are two separate actions - now you can get in and out as many times as you'd like with the door open.
Disclaimer: Everything in this post is my personal opinion. I'm not a professional, and this isn't advice. I try my best to provide accurate information, but I can't guarantee it's all correct all the time. So I cannot be held responsible for any decisions you make based on what you read here