777 Immersion Pack Released
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July 16, 2024Horizon Simulations 78X Mod Teasers

For those who aren't aware of the Horizon Simulations team's work. They're responsible for making some of the most amazing mods for MSFS (Microsoft Flight Simulator) You can check out their work here
The Horizon Simulations Team has showcased some teasers of what the team has been working on at Discord. The team is currently doing a major revamp of the 78X Model, which includes accurate window and door sizing, APU door and new cargo bays, new cockpit glass textures - fixed the new gear, new decals, new GENX Fan blades and they've started work on the cabin.

The Horizon Simulations Team also said all the above will be coming to the 787-800, and 787-900 in due course (At a later date)

Disclaimer: Everything in this post is my personal opinion. I'm not a professional, and this isn't advice. I try my best to provide accurate information, but I can't guarantee it's all correct all the time. So I cannot be held responsible for any decisions you make based on what you read here