Microsoft Flight Simulator A320 Immersion Pack Coming Out
June 11, 2024
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June 15, 2024Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Game Engine Analysis
Alright, now we're all on the edges of our seats waiting for the new simulator to drop let's talk about some of the new tech we'll see in this powerful game engine and what it means for the future.
The game engine that the team has been working on features a lot more powerful tech that sim and developers can use moving forward. One of the big ones we've seen is Rope.

Rope Tech
From the first trailer - if we look closely at how the ropes behave when in use. First of all, we can see the load affects the ropes and will cause the rope to tense up as the helicopter lifts and will sway around. As the helicopter lowers the load on the landing pad, we can the ropes giving a lot of slack as it's not lifting that load anymore. It's the small details like this where we can see the game engine is so much more powerful.

In the new sim, it's clear that they've taken vegetation seriously, we can see many times of plants, bushes and so much more through the vast terrain, it's no longer just a few types of trees and a couple of bushes in the simulator. Not only that but our aircraft also affect the vegetation, for example, the rotor wash from helicopters moves the vegetation out of the way or shakes the bushes and trees.

Remove before flight tags
This is small but it shows how much detail has gone into the simulator, we can see in one of the open scenes in the second trailer that an A330 has piot tube covers engine covers, and lots of other remove-before flight tags and they're moving in the wind. It almost looks like by default there will be a walk-around mode which you'll need to preflight the aircraft and remove all the tags. I talk about this potential in my other post Here check it out

Fire, smoke, and water physics
From both trailers, we can see a raging fire in the distance with the smoke bellowing up into the sky, which is where we see the wind moving the smoke in the sky along with affecting the fire. It almost looks like a scene out of a movie, they've put so much detail into the density of the smoke and how it behaves.

The same goes with water, we see multiple plans and helicopters dumping water loads onto the fire, and the water as it drops from the aircraft just looks amazing, honestly take a look at all these small details and remember this is a Flight Simulator.
I hope you've enjoyed my small dive into some of the new tech we've seen in the trailers for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 - we're only around the corner from the Release date for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 which is November 19.
Disclaimer: Everything in this post is my personal opinion. I'm not a professional, and this isn't advice. I try my best to provide accurate information, but I can't guarantee it's all correct all the time. So I cannot be held responsible for any decisions you make based on what you read here