Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Will Include A 737 MAX
June 23, 2024
FsExpo Flybywire A380 Presentation
June 24, 2024Flight Simulator 2024 Presentation Breakdown FsExpo
Asobo and Microsoft Flight Simulator had a presentation during the FsExpo, which lasted almost 2 hours - we learned more than we ever have about the new Simulator. Including behind-the-scenes and features, so let's dive into everything we've learned.
For those who want to watch the event the video is below for you!
Ground and Vegetation
Let's talk about the ground, in the simulator - something that suffers in the current simulator. Mostly everything on the ground minus some grass is 2D in the current Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. However not anymore, with Mircosoft Flight Simulator 2024, we're going to see new technologies rending 3d objects onto the ground - which include rocks, stones, and vegetation which are all procedurally generated. This is done thanks to advances in Azures technology which also includes over 30 bios globally and between 20 to 30 different types of crops that are affected by seasons.

Helipads Globally
Helipads, let's talk about helipads - we got a bombshell of news from the team telling us that every helipad around the world is going to be modeled in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 - which is crazy to think about.

Walk Around Mode - Confirmed
We finally got confirmation on the walk-around mode, Yes it's confirmed new. We will actually be able to leave the aircraft and walk around doing our preflight checklist. We will be able to interact with the tags and other features of the aircraft from the outside and explore the airports. The team said that the preflight checklist would be done outside of the aircraft!

Real-Time Ship AI
Real-time ship AI is a small nice touch that adds massive amounts of realism. Personally, I'm a big ship fan so I'm over the moon to let you all know they've partnered up with a team that will be real positional data for ships across the globe, which will be accurate up to every 30 seconds. However, it doesn't end there - ships and boats will now be in sync with the water and waves and have simulated water

Effects and Simulation
We're going to see a whole array of effects and new simulations entering Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, in many forms. From tires leaving impact marks, making marks in the dirt, and flattering grass. We're going to be able to affect the environment around us in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. We're seeing leaps in advances in simulation from tissue simulation, they gave an example of the racing cones in the Red Bull air races, if we hit them they'll tear up and be destroyed as they should. The simulation also extends to their rope and weight system - when carrying a load with ropes on a helicopter we will feel it and with the tail dragger to aerial advertisements when the flag catches the hook, the drag of the rope is all simulated correctly making it as close to real life as possible. They also dived into the aerodynamics system, which we're going to be seeing and showing how quickly and easily developers can implement this into the simulator.
People / NPC
The team touched on the fact that we will see passengers and people walking around the terminals in the simulator. This is a big one for realism and something that developers can really take control over hopefully, making truly the sky, not the limit

Rendering and lighting
There is a new rendering and lighting system being brought into the simulator which is far more advanced making everything look much better from the clouds changing color depending on height and even making the water look much better. Which also includes raytraced shadows so as we can see it looks so much better than what we currently have in the current Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Propellor simulation
Propellors no longer have a staging effect, where it looks like they have a slow spinning stage and then transition to a transparent fast spinning stage. Well now we're getting real propellor simulation they've done this by supersampling the speed, making for a much more real and natural-looking propellor in the new simulator.

Yes from the man and team at Flight Control replay, we'll be getting a replay system built into the simulator, which will include being able to replay back as AI and many more features.

Flight Planner
Full Feature flight planning tool within the simulator Both inside and outside the sim, even in the virtual Cockpit. Which includes viewing and monitoring the flight outside the sim

The Asobo team showed us the 737-MAX that will be included with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, which will be available in the base version of the game for everyone to enjoy - The team also said this being made by Asobo and will be the most detailed Asobo aircraft to date.

Career mode
As the crowd was allowed to ask the team questions about the simulator, one man asked about mission/career mode and if we'll see it in the new simulator. We were told - Yes there will be a career mode inside of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, which will include picking a career choice and getting certification to fly certain aircraft. They emphasized this is a simulator and NOT a game. We should find out more about this soon.
Another person took the microphone and asked about low visibility, IMC condition 1000 RVR, and third-party weather injections like Active Sky. The team responded by saying, they'll have more to say in the future about the weather system but also said they have nothing against active sky and are all for it.
Another person also asked if we could see high-level thunderstorms come into the simulator, requiring diversion in the simulator due to weather like in the real world. They said that they need to look into this more and have taken it as feedback.
The next person asked if they were going to fix the current and new simulator turbines and then work currently and have the needles splitting - the team responded by saying they were working on turbines and improving them
Passengers / NPC
The team was asked as third-party developers how will they be able to use NPC / Passengers inside of the new simulator. The team said that they can ether spawn, inside the terminal, in the jetways, and here's a big one, even inside the aircraft! - I suspect we'll see a lot more about this soon.
Disclaimer: Everything in this post is my personal opinion. I'm not a professional, and this isn't advice. I try my best to provide accurate information, but I can't guarantee it's all correct all the time. So I cannot be held responsible for any decisions you make based on what you read here