Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Release Date
June 10, 2024
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Career Mode
June 11, 2024Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Trailer 2 Analysis
So today the Trailer dropped and we all saw the amazing simulator in its full glory, now there are a lot of little details I want to talk about. Let's see if you noticed them too. Let's take a moment to appreciate how big of a step in simulation this will be, Remember when MSFS (Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020) came out and how big of a jump it was. I think we're about to experience that feeling again
The Trailer
To start with we can see, that we now finally have particle effects in the simulation, something a lot of people noticed was missing from the past simulator. However, now we can turn on smoke effects - ironically Paraelle 42 only just added this to Microsoft Flight Simulator the other day. It's taken 3 years for it to land in the simulator. Now we're getting it from day one with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 and boy does it look amazing. See it at 0:12

You know what else I'm seeing that looks amazing, we're looking at real airlines for traffic - it's a lot of united planes but we can see their real aircraft and liveries - gone with the horrible standard fake liveries and fake planes from Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Watch it at 0:22

One of the biggest potential features that I'm hoping will be confirmed soon is a third person / first person walk around mode, so you can walk around preflight the aircraft, walk up and down the boarding gate and check out the airport, the ability to properly walk around in the simulation would be amazing - and at 0:24 that's exactly what it looks like we seen going on here

Another big change I'm noticing with the new and previous simulator is that in the new Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, there is a lot more vegetation that can be moved and blown by the wind or rotor wash of a helicopter - the terrain feels a lot more realistic with these bushes and plants, it just looks unreal. Check it out at 1:10

As I was hoping before with a focus on getting out of the aircraft and walking around we can see another clip where we are outside of the aircraft walking around and taking photos at 1:34

We can see more of the particles and effect simulation here as the hot air balloon heats up and ignites its burner to lift off, I can really appreciate the work that went into the flame and fire effect, it looks stunning 2:01

Let's take a look at this cockpit as the water hits the windshield and then runs back towards the rear of the aircraft, it just looks amazing - hopefully, window wipers will actually do something in this simulator! but honestly, this looks stunning, and as we already know we can chase storms in the simulator possibly as a career or missions 2:05

Particle & Effects System
Alright now let's talk about some of the features in-depth such as the particle system and effect, we know this is going to be a powerful system in the game, as we be taking control of water bombing aircraft to stop fires, harvesting, and crop dusting and air racing - we'll see smoke, water, fire effects in their full glory here. It also means there will be lots more potential for third-party developers and more opportunities to add more effect, things like SimFX from Parralle 42 could add a lot more effect to the simulator
Career Mode
Now we can finally have careers built into the simulator, it appears we have a selection or possibly a leveling-up system where you start as an agricultural pilot, doing crop dusting and then you can work up to being a medical pilot to then cargo and airline pilot or we'd have a selection to choose from
Game Engine
There have been many improvements to the game engine core that we can see, from vegetation moving from the rotor wash to the effects and even tires getting muddy from landing on wet dirt runways. There have been a lot of visual improvements to the game engine to make it much more realistic. The weather system has also seen an overhaul with historical weather being added along with what has been hinted at as storm chasing.
So now we've finally seen the new trailer and been given a release date the countdown has started. We can only hold on and wait a while till we hear more from the team, which we should with only 5 months to go, we should be hearing some more news and features from Asobo and Microsoft soon
Disclaimer: Everything in this post is my personal opinion. I'm not a professional, and this isn't advice. I try my best to provide accurate information, but I can't guarantee it's all correct all the time. So I cannot be held responsible for any decisions you make based on what you read here