Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Walk Around Mode
June 11, 2024
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Game Engine Analysis
June 13, 2024Microsoft Flight Simulator A320 Immersion Pack Coming Out
For those who aren't familiar with the immersion packs, parallel42 add some key effects to aircraft, adding true amazing key candy. They really make the aircraft feel polished and amazing.

However typically they focus on a single aircraft like the PMDG 737 and they'll add every kind of effect to make it more realistic - however this time around they've done the whole A320 Family, meaning whether you have the default A320 Neo or inibuilds, Fenix LatinVFR they're all included which is amazing and great!

The A320 pack includes 17 Custom effects which include
APU Heat Blur (Improved)
Cloud Effects
Cloud Illumination
Contrails (Improved)
Engine Chine Vortices
Engine Cold Start
Engine Condensation
Engine Heat Blur (Improved)
Engine Ingest Vortices
Hot Brakes Smoke
Skid Marks (Improved)
St. Elmo's Fire
Waste Water Drain
Water Droplets
Wheels on Rain (Improved)
Wing Condensation
Wing Vortices

a lot of the effects are based around, rain and condensation giving the engines a really powerful aura around them

The best part is we're just 10 days from when this will be released - so keep your eyes peeled and check this out as this is essential for every simmer.

Roughly time left
Check it out Here today
Disclaimer: Everything in this post is my personal opinion. I'm not a professional, and this isn't advice. I try my best to provide accurate information, but I can't guarantee it's all correct all the time. So I cannot be held responsible for any decisions you make based on what you read here
This is a topic close to my heart cheers, where are your contact details though?