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December 4, 2024MSFS 2024 Asobo 737 Max Review
By far, it is one of the most highly anticipated aircraft to come default into a flight simulator to date, along with the iniBuilds A330. However, that's different; we'll get into that.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Will include a 737 MAX
What makes the 737 Max so special? Well, it's one of the first default aircraft that is in-depth with its systems. I wouldn't go as far as to say study level, because simply it isn't - but it's absolutely set the bar and standards high for a default aircraft. It wouldn't be fair to compare it to the paid market like the iFly 737 Max or the PMDG 737 series, the Asobo 737 Max is free and comes pretty close to payware add-ons like the PMDG 737.
So let's get into the meat and bones of this aircraft then.
The 737 Max was created by Asobo Studios - the company that is co-creator of the flight simulator along with Microsoft. A lot of the aircraft we saw default from Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 that were by Asobo studios, left much to be desired - they were much better compared to the default aircraft from Flight Simulator X but that came out in 2006...

The 737 Max
Flight Model
The new Flight Simulator 2024 flight model, depending on who you ask will say it's incredible, its night and day better compared to its past MSFS 2020. The 737 Max takes full advantage of this and for the most, it flies amazingly, the handling on the ground makes the aircraft actually feel somewhat heavy and like it has some weight. This is a large issue with MSFS 2020, the aircraft felt so light on the ground and almost weightless. There are some slight issues with the Max though, Much like in its real-life counterpart (Boeing 737 Max) is very sensitive and fast on trim along with being a bit touchy on the controls - however, this issue is mostly related to the new controller features in the core of the simulator (Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024)
The systems in the aircraft are somewhat detailed, they've put in some hard work in making the aircraft a very nice and surprisingly detailed aircraft - especially since it comes free with the simulator. For those who are used to the PMDG 737 series and Ifly 737, you'll feel right at home with the FMC - although not as fully detailed as the paid options. It is useable for standard flight operations (Outside of Vatsim) Because the transponder doesn't function. We also see a very basic but working weather radar. Along with the computer systems, the air and pneumatic systems are fairly well done as well - the electrical system has its quirks but - I'll get to that.
While for the most part, the electrical system is there, it just isn't simulated correctly in some parts - which isn't the biggest issue it's free after all. But let's go over it, the issues I've come across are regarding the engine generators. After around 20-30% N1 the generator lights will come saying they're ready to provide power. There is also the lighting bug, many simmers are complaining saying there are no LCDs for the 737 Max Radios or the overhead. There is but it is broken, by default the instrument lights are set to 0% which means they don't light up (However in the real aircraft even on 0% they're still on and readable) Turning the dial up fully on both the overhead and pedestal will light up the LCDs.
The sound package, I personally think is where it's a letdown a bit. Just like with the old A320N by Asobo, they sound artificial and a bit wrong. They're not horrible but they don't sound correct or amazing, they could have gone for a much better sound package and it would have made the aircraft just feel a lot more put together. Again this is a completely free aircraft, so we can't depend on it too much for this fact.
The modeler who worked on this project needs a bonus cause this is outstanding. All the small details that went into the texturing and modeling are outstanding, for example, the cargo hold has luggage in it stacked correctly and realistically along with a lot of scratches and marks in the panels. For the landing gear housing, you can see the model numbers and serial numbers on all the cables, pumps, and electrical parts it's truly a work of art down there. We can also see in the cabin that they've somewhat modeled the overhead storage too, which makes me think maybe in a later update we might be able to open them up or see passengers putting items up there - Looking at you GSX team!
The Good And The Bad
What I like
The model is stupidly well done, I mean you can go into the landing gear bay and read serial numbers off of the hydraulic pumps and lines. Small things that even the big third-party players don't do, the walk-around features like wheel chocks, engine covers, pitot tube covers, and static port covers look amazing. The modeling as a whole is fantastic, we can see a lot of effort went into places like the cargo hold, where we can see luggage pilled up along with plenty of scratches. The cabin even the first few rows has working "No smoking" and "Seatbelt" Signs, similar to what we've seen with Fenix and Ifly. The modeling hands down really well done.

What I don't like
There are a few things that I really don't like about the Asobo 737 Max, one of them being the touchy trim - you can hold down trim down for a second and almost be fully trimmed up or down. The lack of a working transponder keeps you only feeling this amazing bird offline, and the lack of ability to walk into the highly detailed cabin is a bummer. One other thing to note that is a bug is the interior lighting that controls the LCD displays along with the overkill bloom effect.

My Experience With The Asobo 737 Max
Overall I've used it on a fair few flights now, unfortunately, I typically do a "Vatsim ability test" which obviously fails - for one simple reason. The transponder, not being able to squeak the correct code is a deal breaker for any online network such as Vatsim. Moving forward though honestly with its quirks and there are a couple, it is not bad. It's genuinely a joy to fly and the thing that gives me hope the most. Just like the A320N by Asobo teams like Flybywire may make the 737 Max into a work of art.
I really enjoyed the feeling of actually having a load, feeling it while taxing and landing - really feeling how much you need to break and reverse to help slow you down.
Final Thoughts

Honestly, as a default aircraft, I think Asobo has set the bar quite high and I'm very impressed with it. Again it does have its issues which will likely be fixed in later updates, it's flyable and works well now but you won't be flying it on any networks just yet. Just like with the A320N by Asobo, hopefully, a team will give this aircraft a workup and make it into a work of art.