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December 3, 2024MSFS 2024 Most Profitable Career
Understanding Career mode can be challenging as there isn't any official guides or real much information on the new feature at all in the Simulator. Thats where I come into the picture, since its release I've been grinding MSFS 2024 Career mode and finally started working it all out - to put it into to prospective the sim has been out for 2 weeks and I'm level 200.
Certificates and Skills
As much as you might want to plow through the certificates and skill tree but if you want to make money - doing this will only slow you down.
What you'll want to focus on is getting your TurboProp Engine Rating - Which will also mean you'll need to get your High-Performance endorsement

Skill Tree, in terms of what you'll want to focus on in the skill tree - there are 2 main things at the moment. Light Cargo and Medium Cargo - you'll need to complete the requirements for each to unlock them. Do this as an employee NOT a freelancer as it'll take longer.

Cargo Vs Other Companies
Cargo Company

VIP Company

As you can see from the states, they really speak for them self, cargo companies are just far better for money - profit,t and value.
How can i make a lot of money in Career mode?
I've tried all the careers and by far the best way to make a lot of money fast in the new Flight Simulator is by owning your own company - which you unlock fairly early in your career, save up, and buy a Cargo company. You'll start by grinding out Light cargo missions, even these pay fairly decently you'll earning anywhere from 30,000 - 90,000CR per flight.
How to earn 1 million credits per flight

We're going to be following the same method, however now we're going to save up to buy a Cessna Caravan which will allow us to do - the Medium Cargo missions, this is where the real big money is at. However, these missions are significantly longer and take much more effort. It also cost a lot to buy a Cessna Caravan (Roughly 1.6 - 3.0 Million CR) But once you've made the investment you'll quickly be earning that money back.
Like in real life, time is money - the quicker and more efficiently the faster you can earn money - There are ways of Improving this - I'm going to class it in the following terms "Legit" and "Cheating". Now as an avid simmer since 2002, I'm against cheating, however, the grind is a bit rediculous in MSFS 2024.
The best aircrafts for profts
Cessna Caravan 208 - Medium cargo, G1000 GPS, Reverse Thrust - however it is slightly slower and can take up a bit of runway when landing (Best value for money) - Works well at 8-16x Simrate
PC24 - Medium Cargo, Primus Epic 2 Avionics, Autothrottle, ILS capable - Takes up a lot of runway both on take-off and landing, NO reverse thrust - Expensive - Works well at 8x Simrate
PC12 - Medium Cargo, Primus Epic 2 Avionics, uses a bit of runway on take off, it is pretty decent at landing - ILS capable - Expensive - Works well at 8x Simrate
Saab 340 - Heavy Cargo, UNS-1 FMC (Complex) No Auto throttle, NOT ILS capable - Expensive (Untested) - AVOID Saab 340 until its fixed.
The Legit Way
Once loaded into the sim, skip the preflight check straight away. Start the engine by pushing CTRL + E. Announce your taxi before the agent starts talking to you. To earn the most its important that you do NOT skip in inflight phases, you make sure you don't damage the aircraft or cargo, and you keep in contact with ATC.
This is only a small way of improving your time and money but it adds up when you are doing back-to-back cargo flights.
There are two sections to this and the first one I wouldn't classify as cheating as such as it's built into the simulator. So let's get into it
Open Settings, go to Controls
Search in the search bar for "SIM RATE" You should have three options, you want to bind the Incress and Decress. You can also add a binding for "ADD FUEL QUANTITY".
Once you start a mission you can now fly in 2x - 16x speed meaning your hour-long flight becomes minutes. Just slow down for take-off and approach/landing. I'd also be cautious during taxi as things can get out of hand fast.
VFRMap - Patched (No Longer works)
The next one is definitely closer to cheating, this one will allow you to run a program that effectively lets you teleport, just select near your destination. I'm not going to go into detail on how this all works or how to do it - I'll let you work this part out. Career mode should be fun, getting to the destination is part of the fun. However for those who are over the grind and need a little bit to help. Here it is, it can be found Here on GitHub
Fuel running out
I haven't had a mission where it's given me the wrong amount of fuel yet, however new comers may need to remember this is a simulator, not a game as such. Making sure you have the correct Mixture settings and fuel flow rate, is very important to make sure you'll make the destination.
Plane rolling away
If the aircraft has spawned on an incline or hill, go inside the cockpit before removing any chocks or covers. Ensure the parking break is set and working. Then go around and remove all the items, this should stop the famous runaway planes
How does passive income work
I'm working on an in-depth tutorial on the best and most profitable passive income company in MSFS 2024 which is coming soon.