Microsoft Flight Simulator 727 Coming To The Simulator
June 25, 2024
Arma Reforger 1.2 Update
June 27, 2024MSFS PMDG 777-300ER Review
We've been waiting a long while for PMDG to drop the 777 into Microsoft Flight Simulator, personally, I thought we might be waiting until Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. However, we've finally got it today the 25th / 26th of June. I've had years of experience in P3D, however within MSFS maybe 5 hours of experience, let me tell you everything you need to know about this heavy bird.

Loading the 777 into the sim, after waiting patiently for the servers to return, thank you PMDG. You'll notice this isn't like anything we've seen before by PMDG - this has taken the "Study level" to the next level. This is a serious in-depth simulation of the 777. The team has paid large attention to detail to the ground services, with far more detail than I've seen in any other aircraft.

The attention to detail contuines to the flight deck and looks better than any other PMDG product or personally any other product available for Microsoft Flight Simulator at the moment. From the smudges to the shadows and lighting within the cockpit, it all looks flawless - be ready to watch some tutorials or read some manuals if you're not familiar with the 777 flight deck, cause there's a lot to learn.

The EFB has been supercharged, compared to the lineup of other PMDG aircraft. We've got a lot more control over services on the ground, however, the rest like importing our flight plans appears to be the same - which is good, it works well.

In terms of sounds the team has nailed it, the sound package with the 777 is almost as good as Flybywire's A380. It sounds amazing, I'd say it's one of the best-sounding aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulator currently. The Spool sounds exactly as it should and very close to real life, along with the rest of the sounds, from the air conditioning unit to all the buttons having unique sounds.

Test Flight
I wanted to put this beauty to the test by doing a full flight from YSSY to NZAA - I tested the simbrief, the checklist - everything and I've learned a lot. One small thing to note that is also appear on the forums is freezing - I had 3 flights that would randomly freeze the simulator. It was honestly a bit disheartening as I've never had any issues running MSFS on my system - however, my test flight 4th time around seemed to work (with no changes)

Nonetheless, the rest of the flight has gone flawlessly, i've noticed NO impact on framerates at all, across both day and night - it also works flawlessly other than the freezing.

Overall thoughts
My overall thoughts on the PMDG 777-300ER, she's a serious piece of work - there's no messing about with this heavy girl. She's a powerful rocket and a very in-depth study-level simulation of the 777. It came in pretty high in the price range at $77.73 USD, so it's not cheap by any means but is it worth it? I'd so say, I'd like to see the price a little lower and the freezing not be an issue, however, overall I'm not disappointed with the price at all - Check it out Here
Disclaimer: Everything in this post is my personal opinion. I'm not a professional, and this isn't advice. I try my best to provide accurate information, but I can't guarantee it's all correct all the time. So I cannot be held responsible for any decisions you make based on what you read here