Beyond ATC Update 1.0.48
June 29, 2024
IFly 737 Max MSFS Preview Images
June 30, 2024PMDG Fixes 777 Freezing Issue
The PMDG Team has released a Micro-Update to address the freezing problem with many people's simulators, they've also touched up and fixed a few smaller problems with the aircraft as well. We can now expect to safely complete the flight without encountering any freezing issues - Thankfully! The PMDG team also said

"We anticipate a series of updates over the next 14 days- all of which are focused mostly on issues that disrupt the user experience. The model/art/sound teams will also be at work so you will see other items rolling in with the updates- but the code team is focused on disruptive problems."
Update via operation center
14289: [FREEZES - All Types] Protection against CLR (fmc message) button causing a sim lockup (emvaos)
14320: [FMS - Route/Legs Pages] ACTIVATE+EXECUTE a RTE with no waypoints (emvaos)
14272: [FMS - SID/STAR pages] Handling omni bearing non-runway specific SIDs (eg. KIAD CLUTCH3) (emvaos)
14340: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Gap on glareshield when looked from outside (jbrown)
14288: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] MCP buttons need refinements (vscimone)
14266: [External Model - Geometry] Cabin Curtains disappear under certain conditions (hvanrensburg)
14294: [Virtual Cockpit - Functionality/Click-Spots] Lights Intensity (abashkatov)
14296: [ACARS - Datalink/Connectivity] Cancel on EICAS causes freeze (hvanrensburg)
14241: [External Model - Geometry] GSX Profile - Issues (jbrown)
14246: [ACARS - CPDLC] Hoppie Login no longer working with Vatsim (hvanrensburg)
14076: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] 5R door ARM handle remains in DISARMED position (hvanrensburg)
14279: [External Model - Geometry] Brake Wear Indicator Pins in wrong place? (jbrown)
14297: [External Model - Geometry] Engine blade spacing on one blade is slightly off? (jbrown)
14322: [ACARS - Datalink/Connectivity] Can’t send requests on COMM (hvanrensburg)
0000: [Wheels & Brakes] - Parking brake cannot be released in Simple Mode.

So we can expect a few more small updates to follow to fix any issues we find on the 777, PMDG is working hard to crunch out any issues and bugs they can find that may have slipped through the beta testing.

MSFS PMDG 777-300ER Review
Disclaimer: Everything in this post is my personal opinion. I'm not a professional, and this isn't advice. I try my best to provide accurate information, but I can't guarantee it's all correct all the time. So I cannot be held responsible for any decisions you make based on what you read here
So after the update, I am still experiencing freezes! I was almost done with my flight, and it froze up!
A few people are reporting this, i found after the first update it fixed the issue for me personally
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