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May 1, 2024
May 1, 2024Black Square - TBM 850 Review
Vatsim Ability
Vatsim Ability - Yes
Level of detail - Very High
Study Level - Yes

Alright, let's have a look into the Black Squares edition of the TBM 850. There's a fair bit to cover on this aircraft for msfs2024 - so let's dive right into it. This aircraft comes with a bunch of features, they've accurately modeled the TBM 850 to every rivet. Even including their "Improved turbine dynamics" which features 850 mode. For those who don't know what 850 mode is - it allows the engine to use the full 850HP (horsepower)

The exterior of this beauty is stunning from the lights, and the reflection to the beautiful massive propeller blade at the front. The details go so fine on this aircraft that you can see the inertial separator open and close - that's right they even animated that in Microsoft Flight Simulator, I never would have imagined that much detail. Flying this supercar (it's how it feels to fly) anywhere looks and feels just stunning. It handles so nicely, the flight model feels bang. I've never flown a TBM myself, but other people comment on how accurate it is to the real thing. Another nice touch to the outside is having the ability to still see "N851TB". For anyone who doesn't get that reference, it's a nice gesture to the YouTuber Steveo1kinevo.

The interior - my favorite spot, is modeled incredibly accurately It is one of my favorite cockpits in the whole of Flight Simulator. All the avionics are correctly modeled and work as they do in real aircraft even down to "Gyroscope physics simulation for electric and pneumatic gyroscopes with precession", it also features the ability to use the GTN 750. Black Square has also said "Every knob, switch and button is interactable and implemented, along with its respective electrical circuitry" - so needless to say. This is a study-level aircraft.
The Flight Model is where things get amazing, it truly feels like the sportscar of the skies. With this beauty at full power, you can feel the P factor - which means "an aerodynamic phenomenon experienced by a moving propeller, wherein the propeller's center of thrust moves off-center". Black Square used real TBM 850 in-flight data to make the flight model as accurate as possible. It also features CFD propeller and stall physics matched to real data. However, it doesn't end there - they've included a bunch of failures so you can practice real-world emergency events. Black Square says "95+ system failures, set via in-cockpit interface. Either random, based on settable MTBF, or schedulable with optional time acceleration".
My final thoughts on the TBM is it's genuinely one of my go-to aircraft to fly now. It just feels right, everything - from the checklist to the sounds to feeling the 850 power. It's one of the best aircraft in MSFS at the moment. Black Square did a truly amazing job with this aircraft and I strongly suggest you guys go try it out. It can be bought from the Just Flight website here.