Update On FlyByWire A380X
February 4, 2024
Best Addons For Flight Simulator 2020
April 19, 2024The Indepth Bredok3d A380 Review For MSFS

Vatsim ability
Vatsim Ability
Lets talk about the surprisingly good, and the really bad
The Good
The Bad
Basic working MCDU (A320 copy)
Poor model quality
Basic but working LNAV & VNAV
inaccurate flight model
Semi-decent looking cockpit
Low and poor texture quality
Flyable A380 in the simulator
Over priced
Fun aircraft to fly
inaccurate ECAM (reverser)
Working Basic Autopilot system
Limited Liveries
Framerate Friendly
Over Reflective surfaces
- The okay and questionable
- Intergrated mini map - somewhat useful
- Flyable flight model, useable but very inaccurate flight model
- This is an incredable improvement over the past projects
Performance in FPS
Framerate Friendly (Low to no impact)
So why are people buying it?
Let's talk about the A380 effect, this is a term I have kind of come up with. Since the early days of the flight simulator, everyone begged and wanted an A380. Other than Wilco, and Project Airbus - there wasn't anything on the market. Until Next Level Simulation came around, the flight simulator community watched in anticipation. However to the dismay of the community a couple of years into the project they went radio silence to focus on other projects. It wasn't until FlyByWire announced they'd be making a free-feature full and rich A380 for the simulator. So with this market gap and the ever-building excitement Bredok3d that they can squeeze into.
So waht is it actually like to fly?
The Test Flight And Testing
I wanted to make it as authentic as possible, so I started off testing the super out of Toulouse–Blagnac (LFBO) where the A380 was built and tested from - I put this super large puppy through all the stages, and I've put over 30 hours into the bird so far. I've done a mixture of Vatsim and then "free flight" just pushing the A380 to its limits.

Bredok3d A380 Parked At LFBO
So the first maiden flight I wanted to conduct on the vatsim network to make sure it was suitable for flying on the network. Which was a short hop from LFBO to EGLL (Toulouse to Heathrow) Roughly an hour's hop across the country. I used the built-in MCDU (FMS) which was very "interesting" It's a glorified copy of the Asobos A320 MCDU that's been pasted into the A380 that's missing half of its features. But I pushed on, entering all the legs and SIDS and STARS. Overall it's functional enough - while missing the ability to change altitudes (or at least I failed to) on the legs page. I will add that the performance page is next to useless
The Mini Map Display
Next, let's talk about the mini-map display in the cockpit. It is an interactive and somewhat useful tool I've found to use, although it lacks any usage other than VFR, you can see the airport, taxi, and runway layouts. However, it does lack markings which would have been amazingly useful to have. Once you've entered your route in the MCDU (FMC) you'll be able to see it on the Mini-map which is a nice touch.

Bredok3d A380 Interactive Mini-Map
How does it feel to Taxi?
Somewhat it feels heavy, but also a little snappy. It isn't the worst aircraft to taxi around fairly surprisingly. When using the reversers to pull back as a test, the steering felt like it was coming from behind the nose wheel rather than where the actual nose was. Braking is way overkill for what it is, this isn't a heavy but a super! and it should feel somewhat heavy to stop. But it's almost quicker than an A320 when stepping down on the foot brakes. Again it isn't the worst but for the price, I'd expect so much better - which is a let down.
What about take off and roll out?
This is where it can get really weird, the performance of this flight model for the A380 is way off from reality - or what I'd think it would be at least. There are no Airbus thrust notches so you can forget about TOGA and Climb power. Trying to pull up before VR (rotate or the takeoff speed) it won't budge or move almost like it was at idle speed. Once it hits VR, she lifts nicely in the sky and will keep speeding up quite fast. Setting the fuel and weight to almost max will see you use up the whole runway and then some before lifting into the sky.
What About Cruising
Cruising this super bird is one of its best stages, which I think is where most people will agree. Holding level flight on VNAV will allow you to grab some decent screenshots and take a look at the okay cockpit. There isn't much more to add to this part other than it is pretty decent at holding level flight and cruising.

Here where it gets interesting (Approach ILS)
Following the LNAV and VNAV down is no issue other than with the MCDU - whatever altitudes it's got down is what it'll go to. From what I've tried you can't change it. This led to some interesting situations where at some waypoints you'll have waypoint "A" Which has a set altitude of 7000ft then waypoint "B" which will have 13000ft then waypoint "C" which will want you at 4000ft. Causing a weird roller-coaster-like effect - however, setting the altitude to manual ignoring that waypoint then resuming will bring you right onto the ILS. I'll say somewhat decently, it's here where it gets weirder, other than sometimes just completely missing the runway, it'll start an oscillating effect starting with small banks from the left to right, slowly getting bigger and bigger. This doesn't happen every time however something I've noticed has happened a few times. Even with winds at 0
Landing the super bird
Landing this super bird is fairly nice other than the GPWS being incorrect, you will touch down before it calls out "5" for 5ft. You'll touch down shortly after the 10ft call out - which can lead to some heavier-than-normal touchdowns. Once you get used to it, it can be turned into a butter machine.
Before i go into the bad, check out my post on the flybywire A380 below
The bad
Engine shutdown texture glitch (Fanblade)

During engine shut down you can notice the A380's engine will have this very weird texture glitch - they'll look almost like turning blocks - where the fan blade is.
Poor texturing and low quality

Poor quality MFD and PFD

Liveries poorly made
As you can see the airline symbole overlapping the Airbus A380-800 Text

GSX "installing the tow pin"

But the tow truck will go to the correct spot

Very basic Autopilot and MCDU systems

So who is this for then?
It really depends, at this price point I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. There are free alternatives with higher-quality models. If they had a bit better communication with the community and were more realistic with their price then I'd give this such a higher rating. Instead of $24.99 - say $10-12 is more fairly priced. They've stated this aircraft is NOT a study-level aircraft which is fair, for what it is (excluding the price) it's not horrible. So much better than their past 737 project. If you are excited and can't wait for flybywire which will be a study-level simulation of the A380, this might be for you. However, I'd try to nab it on a sale. I'll be keeping a close eye on this, as a few updates, and even if someone is on flightsim.to make a mod to make it slightly better than it could be a game changer.
Whats next?
Disclaimer: I Purchased this aircraft off the in-game marketplace with my own money. I'm not affiliated with any companies or anyone mentioned in this article. This article is purely an opinion piece and my opinion. While I try my hardest to make sure everything is factual and correct, sometimes it isn't. Which is why it's required that you do your own research.