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May 1, 2024How to get BeamNG.Drive VR
BeamNG.Drive VR - yes that's right we've got somewhat native support for VR and it is pretty easy to set up and do. So you can enjoy one of the best and scariest VR experiences.

This experience is unlike any other VR game on the market, we already know how fun BeamNG is, and what you can do in it - meaning even the sky isn't the limit. Now picture that open sandbox simulator in Virtual Reality. It's just as amazing and scary as it sounds, so let's get into it.

Beam.NG Crashed Car
The first thing is you'll need to download is OpenXR, if you're wondering what OpenXR it's basically a standard API game that can be used to bring virtual reality into their games. So download OpenXR Here https://mbucchia.github.io/OpenXR-Toolkit/#downloads

OpenXR App
Once you've installed OpenXR you'll want to launch BeamNG.Drive in Vulkcan! - if you don't launch using Vulkcan, you won't be able to open it in VR.

Beam.NG Launcher
Once BeamNG.Drive is open you'll want to spawn in as normal, once you're ready you'll want to Push CTRL - Numpad 0. You should get a message giving you a warning if you suffer from epilepsy. Once you've accepted it you'll now be in Beam.NG Virtual Reality

Beam.NG VR Warning