July 17, 2024
MSFS Is getting Trains
July 19, 2024PMDG Confirms 747 for MSFS
Over on the PMDG forums, Robert confirms they started working on the PMDG 747 all the way back in January in their post [18JUL24] BIG WEEK. Updates for all MSFS product lines, stuff going to Marketplace... Things are Busy at PMDG!,
"I mention this specifically because the 747 happens to be our traditional flagship- so we have some unexpected and very exciting things planned for this product line".

What this could actually mean is yet to be confirmed however, I'm going to speculate - we could be facing the most realistic simulation of 747 yet.
Robert finished up by saying
"We are looking forward to taking this all a step further with our 747 product line, and of course learning what new toys we might get access to in MSFS 2024"

Which i think it is safe to say, we won't see the PMDG 747 enter service until MSFS2024 (Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024). PMDG is known for its amazing rendition of the Queen of the Skies, and I for one cannot wait for this beautiful aircraft to come out.
Disclaimer: Everything in this post is my personal opinion. I'm not a professional, and this isn't advice. I try my best to provide accurate information, but I can't guarantee it's all correct all the time. So I cannot be held responsible for any decisions you make based on what you read here