MSFS iniBuilds A350 Trailer Released
July 24, 2024
Discover The Aerosoft A330 Update
August 15, 2024Top Aircrafts Comings to MSFS
It's an exciting time as we're seeing high-quality add-ons coming to the platform (MSFS) - I will go over all the most anticipated add-ons coming to MSFS right here. As we're slowly crawling towards a release for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, we see an increase in study-level aircraft.
FlyByWire A380
Probably the most anticipated, add-on coming to MSFS is the flybywire A380X project. One of the main reasons is that there isn't any "decent" study or even highly detailed A380 on any simulator, and it is an aircraft the community has been waiting so long for - since the days of FSX (Not Flybywire) but a study level A380, excluding wilco's a380.

Flybywire is putting an incredible amount of detail, into their project - showing some of the highest amounts of detail we've ever seen in any flight simulator. The best part is that it's free - but part of it being a free project, there isn't a release date yet.
BlueBird Simulation 757
We've been struggling with a high-quality 757 to enter Microsoft Flight Simulator, the best we'd seen was Captain Sim back in the days of FSX. However, Blue Bird Simulations has captured the attention of the MSFS community with their rendition of the 757. Blue Bird has said they're aiming to create the best and highest detailed 757 in any simulator ever.

Not only that, but the team has said they're working on a 767 and with their follow-up project teased to be the Boeing 787. We haven't seen anything from the team before, the 757 will be Bluebird's first project and it's looking to set the bar very high.
iniBuilds A350
One of the biggest names in MSFS is iniBuilds, being a core part of the community for both aircraft and scenery. They've set the bar high with both their A300 and A310 projects, along with their A320 NEO V2. The team in the past announced they were going to work on both an A350 and an A380, however, we had radio silence for a long time, up until recently. We've just gotten past a dev live stream with iniBuilds where they informed us about the project and said we'd see a teaser trailer, which is out now.

The A350 is set to be one of the most detailed A350S to exist in any simulator to date, the team has not announced a price or release date yet, however, I'd personally expect a release close to MSFS 2024.
Ifly 737 Max
A team that has its roots going all the way back to FS9 (Flight Simulator 2004) they were known for creating high-quality addons for both FS9 and FSX, mainly the 737NG. So it was a surprise to see the team saying are working on a 737 - MAX for MSFS / MSFS024, there isn't too much information on the project other than what I've already covered here. It will be interesting as Asobo and Microsoft Flight Simulator have also recently announced they'll be releasing a 737 MAX with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 as a default aircraft. For the Ifly 737, there isn't a release date yet for this project.
RJ Professional
The team that made the amazing BAE 146, they're well in the works with the RJ series. The RJ Series is a similar series to the BAE 146, but features a more modern cockpit for navigation equipment, making it a popular choice amongst people.
Summing it up
We're watching these projects as they're coming along, i suggest you check up on each article for more information on each project or keep an eye out as I'll post any follow-up content I find out.
Disclaimer: Everything in this post is my personal opinion. I'm not a professional, and this isn't advice. I try my best to provide accurate information, but I can't guarantee it's all correct all the time. So I cannot be held responsible for any decisions you make based on what you read here